Who: Greg Lavender is Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and General Manager of the Office of the CTO at Intel Corporation. As CTO, he is responsible for advancing Intel’s future technical innovation through his leadership of Intel Labs and Information Technology. Lavender oversees Intel’s Information Security and Product Security portfolios, as well as ongoing investments in security research. His responsibilities also include enabling Intel’s software strategy across artificial intelligence, confidential computing, and the growing need for open accelerated computing to support Intel’s range of business and hardware offerings.
Topic: Confidential computing and privacy preserving data sharing.
Quote: “Companies need to keep up with the rate of innovation happening in the tech stack. The technology has been developed (and proven) to help you share data securely. With AI accelerating at such a rapid pace alongside ongoing security threats, I strongly encourage all organizations to leverage these technical advancements, which are already available in the market, in order to keep their data and business safe and secure.”
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