Who: Sandrine Dixson-Declève is an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader. She is currently the Co-President of the Club of Rome and chairs the European Commission’s Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation. She sits on the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Platform and several boards and advisory Boards including EDP, BMW, UCB, Climate KIC, UCL Bartlett School of Environment Energy & Resources, IEEP and Laudes Foundation. She is also a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Topic: Green business Quote: “Digitalization should be used to serve people, planet, and prosperity. Just as we rebuilt Europe after WWII we now need to step back and ask what does our vision for the world look like? How do we build a thriving, healthy society while protecting our planet?’
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